Saturday, June 18, 2011

Anyone that THINKS that this blog is NOT FAIR USE, Refer to these Examples!

As the threats and innuendo's pour in, I ask that you kindly refer to the Examples BELOW! I will certainly file a counter-notice to any DMCA takedown and have one of the most powerful and brilliant men in the world behind me now.

There is NO Advertising, Nothing in this Blog 
affects the market for the original material 
(Most of which has been unavailable
 to the public for several years). 
The sources are as carefully identified 
with Links as possible to the Original Material.
 All screen caps are analog captures. 
This is OBVIOUSLY News 
reporting and Commentary.

My 400,000 loyal subscribers
 on YouTube will be delighted to support me
 if a problem should occur!

You may also want to consider how a Judge might be swayed by examples such as these;
( Particularly the Honorable Judge Patel whom I happen to admire!)
We have over a DOZEN Similar Examples! I'll be adding many others that are actually MUCH WORSE that these!

Pig Latin Encoder software suggested in Napster Article above, as promoted in Previous CNET Screen Capture.
 As found on the "Internet Wayback Machine"


Namester, another PROUD CNET offering as Promoted above in the CNET article recommending ways to Circumvent the Honorable Judge Patel's Order that Napster Filter out Copyright Infringing Music.

Of Courseeeeeee.....  These as well as 100's of other's appeared on most the Co-Branded Pages as Well!

We mustn't forget the CNET/ZDNET Maligned Senators! Here's a CNET Recommending that the Honorable Senator Orrin Hatch be sued for sponsoring a Bill to Protect Children.

Refer to this Link for troubling news regarding the P2P Software CNET Distributed
READ this CNET/ZDNET Story of Children Exposed to PORN on P2P Networks
ZDNET Story about the Government trying to create ways to deal with P2P Porn
ZDNET "Kids Stumbling onto Smut on P2P Networks"
ZDNET Congress threatens P2P Networks on Porn.

CNET EDITOR QUOTE in above story "Allow me to Induce Myself" 
which is STILL LIVE on CNET today:

"I have a neat solution to the whole debacle, using this chain of logic:
The INDUCE Act makes an infringer out of anyone who "aids, abets, induces, or procures" someone else's copyright violation.

• This act is anticonsumer and anti-technology and, as such, has made its share of enemies.

• When people feel that a law is unjust, too broad, and makes no sense, they're more likely to break it.

• Therefore, this law will encourage people to trade more songs and purchase fewer legally.
Since it encourages copyright infringement, the INDUCE Act will be illegal--under the INDUCE Act.

• Orrin Hatch should be the first person sued if the bill passes, for inducing people to infringe on copyright."

The Article ENDS that Way, 

Allow Me to Induce Myself

But can CNET claim NO MINORS ever used the Software? NO, they Published LETTERS from them!

NOW, Here is a REAL LETTER from a 15 year old girl submitted to CNET!

Unbelievable advice given to a 15 year old girl regarding problems that she had by downloading "Dreamweaver" from Limewire. Published as part of the "Spyware Horror Stories" series.

The girl ADMITS to having not only downloaded the copyrighted software "Dreamweaver" AND the anime movie "Teen Drama Queen" with Limewire but also admits that she also downloaded the JUST recently published "Harry Potter Book" from Bitcomet AND Bittorrent. Did the EDITOR'S even address the severity of copyright issue? HELL NO! They advised that she forget to scan the files and that they were happy she had gone legal by deciding to buy the "Real" software. They even thoughtfully made the words "BitComet" AND "Bittorent" live links so readers could jump to the software download pages for each notorious p2p offering on Cnet.

( Although these are vintage FAIR USE Screen Captures, The article is STILL AVAILABLE today on!!!!!)


That's okay, It's on the "Internet Wayback Machine" for EASY Viewing! ( the "Internet Wayback Machine" links are CLEARLY the exact same URL)

Teen Drama Queen on CNET's October 17, 2007

Same Article again on CNET's Oct 8 2008

Posting on 8/9/2007. Click on ANY image to Enlarge.

Read the Editor's Response. I can't believe they even published the Girl's letter as it was a pure admission that LimeWire, Bittorrent and BitComent were being used for VARIOUS copyright infringing purposes. It would have been a different story if the editor's responded. Your first mistake is that you MUST learn to Never use P2P File Sharing software to infringe copyrighted Software or Literary Works. That is stealing! Read this response. No mention of the 15 year old minor girl downloading that Anime Movie or that "Harry Potter" book. ( Harry Potter was NEVER available as a E-Book until AFTER this article was published on CNET).

This is a Screen Cap of the Actual Submission form from 10/12/2007 that was used to submit your "Spyware Horror Stories" to the Cnet Editors.
ZDNET Story about the Government trying to create ways to deal with P2P Porn
ZDNET "Kids Stumbling onto Smut on P2P Networks"

ZDNET Congress threatens P2P Networks on Porn.

CNET Directs even More unjust Malice towards the Honorable Senator Orrin Hatch! (Below)
From ZDNET division of CNET

Orrin Hatch is cast as a Tyrant in this Parody and is ordering executions of Music Industry Individuals.
I do not have a copy of the CNET/XDNET Video promoted in this article . . . . . . YET!

Original HERE on the "Internet Wayback Machion"

Click on ANY IMAGE to Enlarge Greatly!

Monday, June 6, 2011

CNET's Virtual Online P2P Software Monopoly in the Early to mid 2000's


Reach Millions of Users
By marketing with CNET and ZDNet Downloads, you have the opportunity to reach millions of consumers who are looking for a hands-on evaluation of your products before they purchase.

• 8.9 million average monthly unique users
Source: Nielsen NetRatings Q2 2003, US only. Include both CNET and ZDNet Downloads.


Week Ending April 3 2003 Most Popular Downloads
( JUST PC and Just CNET)
Kazaa Media Desktop 2,779,030 Downloads
ICQ Lite 620,073 Downloads
iMesh 395,573 Downloads

Week Ending June 16 Most Popular Downloads
Kazaa Media Desktop 2,439,826 Downloads
ICQ 572,665 Downloads
iMesh 436,119 Downloads

Please be Patient, and Check ALL these postings often. We are sorting out over 20,000 Screen captures representing thousands of research hours. The history of CNET/CBS Interactive promoting Piracy software is staggering. Over 1,000 different software offerings, Several hundred instances of mentioning copyright infringing uses, often with known copyrighted songs or famous band names. Although some of these pages are ten years old, you must remember that CNET has been distributing LimeWire software since at least February 2001.

Cnet had a virtual monopoly on the distribution of Software through the Largest and most visited Internet portals throughout the early to mid 2000's.

KaZaa, Morpheus, iMesh and Limewire were shilled by CNET/ZDNET from the pages of MSN, AOL, Excite, Netscape, AltaVista and perhaps as many as 100 others.

After the acquisition of ZDnet in 2000, the combined companies,
with an international presence in 25 countries, CNET Networks ranked among the top five international networks in terms of global footprint.

MSN's software section was a ZDnet featured section ( Look at this MSN page from August 2001)

AOL's Software Section was basically CNET's Site re-Branded as AOL! ( Look at this AOL Software Section Page from September 2001 and look at the iMesh Feature Article Description!)

In 1999 CNET formed an alliance with America Online to provide co-branded online computer buying guides. CNET paid $14.5 million for the exclusive right to provide these co-branded computer buying guides on both America Online & CompuServe for 2 1/2 years and to be the exclusive distributor of free software downloads on

Another agreement between CNET and RealNetworks resulted in being used as the exclusive search engine to locate MP3 audio files and video files by users on all of RealNetworks' sites.

AOL CNET Most Popular Downloads PC Aug 18 2001 ( Screen Capped)

AOL CNET Most Popular Downloads PC Scour Napster AudioGalaxy Newtella Oct 30 2000
( Screen Capped)

AOL Cnet Napster Download Page Oct 30 2000 ( Screen Capped)

Aol Cnet Scour Download page September 29 2000 ( Screen Capped)

Aol CNET Audiogalaxy Oct 31 2000 ( Screen Capped)

AOL Cnet Top PC Audio Downloads April 9 2002 Morpheus iMesh LimeWire BearShare Grokster AudioGalaxy (Screen Capped)

Excite's software was ANOTHER CNET/ZDnet Exclusive! ( ZDnet's Logo is Clearly Shown)


Zdnet News and Software Featured on the VERY Popular Search Engine AltaVista
( Google was in it's infancy if it existed at all yet)


For anyone that noticed"Software Zone" on the list above, it was an internet video game software portal only with no P2P file sharing software that I could find.

Now look at the list of most popular websites from 2001-2007; NOTICE that CNET lost 95% of it's "Attention" as the various P2P software offerings were being sued out of existence!

These websites, MSN, AOL, Netscape, AltaVista, taken along with CNET's web traffic at the time, represented at least 50% of America's daily web traffic, if not the entire world's.

These distribution deals assured a virtual Monopoly on the distribution of such software offerings as Kazaa, Morpheus, LimeWire, iMesh, Bearshare, Scour, Grokster and at least 250 OTHERS!

Moreover, CNET's "Software Download Button" program assured that web traffic directly to the Notorious File Sharing sites would be sent to CNET's for the software, assuring this virtual P2P software monopoly.

CNET's and ZDNET's articles promoting online piracy were syndicated to websites around the world, possibly over 125 different websites, ( I'm still researching this, but it is STAGGERING!)

How tight was Cnet Downloads AND these P2P File Sharing Companies?? The Official Cnet Downloads button was embedded on MANY of the Notorious Sites Landing Page! Sometimes there was only a plain button download link, as was on Limewire up until May 13, 2010 that brought the prospective downloader directly to Cnet Downloads.

Cnet Downloads EMBEDDED button on Grokster 5/27/2002 ( Click ANY Image to Enlarge)

Cnet Downloads EMBEDDED Button on Imesh 1/25/2002

Cnet Downloads EMBEDDED Button TODAY on BitComet Landing Page (77 MILLION Downloads!)

Cnet Downloads Button on Qtrax Max Homepage 1/25/2002
LOVING that CNET Article featured on the Front Page of Qtrax Max.

Cnet Downloads EMBEDDED Button Homepage of Bearshare 3/27/2002

Cnet Downloads Button embedded on Limewire in this Vintage Screen cap from 6/2/2001

Cnet Direct Link in the Morpheus Site. (See Following Image) Both Screen caps from 10/2002

When the would be downloader clicked the Download Button on the Morpheus Homepage shown above, the link took you RIGHT HERE to Cnet! NOTICE 100 Million Downloads, and that's just up to the screen cap date of 10/2002

Cnet Downloads embedded button on the Blubster Homepage 9/23/2001

Cnet Downloads Kazaa Download Button on the Kazaa Front Page

I will upload dozens of these vintage Images like these for Bearshare, Imesh, Morpheus, Grokster, and more. ( Well before the Settlements and Judges Orders). I just need the time. The download totals from Cnets own servers ABSOLUTELY EXCEED over 1.2 BILLION downloads of P2P file Sharing software.

Most Popular Software Downloads
April 2003
Week ending April 01

1. Kazaa Media Desktop
2. ICQ Lite
3. WinZip
4. AOL Instant Messenger (32-bit)
5. iMesh
April 2 2003 TIME 11:42:49
LimeWire 2.9.8 Total to Date and Time 15,271,284


April 5 2003 TIME 23:11:05
BearShare 13,896 This Week, Total 18,185,931
KaZaa Download Accelerator 13,478 This Week, Total 91,714
Twister 13,417 This Week, 265,323 Total
LimeWire 10,940 This Week, Total 15,273,726
NeoNapster 10,651 This Week, Total 660,385
Kazaa Skins 9,186 This Week , Total 124,017
Gnucleus 8,177 This Week, Total 639,626
Wippit 6,258 This Week, Total 240,336 5,774 This Week, Total 240,336
2 Find MP3 5,336 This Week, Total 1,103,653
MP3 Doctor 5,328 This Week, Total 203,810


April 5 2003 TIME: 04:06:29
Shareaza 1.8 Total to Time and Date 340,842

April 6 2003 TIME 00:59:41
BearShare 4.2.3 Total to Date and Time 18,192,329

April 6 2003 TIME 01:33:17

NeoNapster 3.55 664,716 Total to Date and Time

April 6 2003 TIME 00:37:33

Gnucleus 1.8.4 643,199 Total to Date and Time

April 6 2003 02:47:18

2 Find MP2 7.8.2 1,107,838 to Date and Time

April 8 2003 TIME: 14:33:33
Top Downloads PC Week Ending April 07 2003
Kazaa Media Desktop 2.762,799
iMesh 401,065
Morpheus 125,953
Grokster 89,249


April 9 2003 TIME: 17:30:09
Blipster Total to Date and Time 34,589

April 10, 2003 TIME 20:58:10
KaZaa Media Desktop Total to Date and Time, 212,775,647

April 10 2003 TIME: 20:59:46
Grokster 1.6 7,515,103 Total to Date and Time

Week ENDING April 13 2003 (Date of Crawl April 16 2003)
TIME: 00:15:22
Kazaa Media Desktop 3,257,317 This Week Total 214,428,194
iMesh 409,408 This Week, Total to Date 47,404,968
Morpheus 131,771 This Week, Total 110,527,438
Grokster 60,051 This Week, Total 7,525,298
Shareaza 29,148 This Week Total 378,263
Piolet 24,674 Total This Week, Total 329,053
KaZaa Download Accelerator 22,521 This Week, Total; 121,445
Ares Galaxy 20,420 This Week, Total 386,667
Xolox Ultra 16,156 This Week Total 2,092,275
BearShare 14,866 This Week, Total 18,209,339
SoulSeek 14,194 This Week, Total 215,004 Total
2 Find MP3 13,971 This Week , Total 1,123,496

April 13, 2003 TIME: 20:24:51
Top PC DownLoads Listing 26-50
WinMX 41,999 This Week, Total 5,716,998
Diet Kazaa 39,106 This Week, Total 564,333
Shareaza 29,148 This Week Total 378,263
Net Pumper 26,464 This Week, Total 1,579,994
Piolet 24,674 This Week, Total 329,053


April 14, 2003 TIME: 02:54:03
iMesh 3.1 Total to Date and Time 47,404,968

April 15,2003 TIME 23:29:11
Top ALL PC Downloads
Kazaa Media Desktop 3,257,317 This Week, TOTAL 214,428,194
ICQ Lite 662,995 This Week, Total to Date 15,178,748
AOL Instant Messanger 450,797 This Week, 9,659,349 This Week
iMesh 409,408 This Week, 409,408 This Week, Total 47,404,968
ICQ Pro 2003a beta 398,003 450,408 This Week, Total 227,424,843
(Ad-aware) 183,916 This Week, Total 15,457,327
Trillian 146,185,185 This Week, Total 9,755,064
Morpheus 131,771 This Week, Total 110,527,438
Grokster 60,051 This Week Total 7,525,298
WS FTP LE ( 32 Bit) 56,177 This Week, Total 7,556,133


April 16, 2003 TIME 00:15:22
Kazaa Media Desktop 3,257,317 This Week, Total 214,428,194
iMesh 409,408 This Week. Total 47,404,968
Morpheus, 131,771 This Week, Total 110,527,438
Grokster, 60,051 This Week, Total 7,525,298
WinMX 56,852 This Week, Total 22,554,634
Shareaza 29,229 This Week, 378,263 Total
Piolet 24,674 This Week, Total 329,053
Kazaa Download Accelerator 22,521, Total 121,445
Ares Galaxy This Week 20,420, Totla 386,667
Xolox Ultra 16,156 This Week, Total 2,092,275
BearShare 14,866 This Week, Total 18,209,339
SoulSeek 14,194 This Week, Total 215,004
2 Find MP3 13,971 This Week, Total 1,123,496


April 16 2003 TIME: 07:34:20
ICQ Lite Beta Build 1150 Total to Date and Time 15,364,189
April 16, 2003 TIME: 07:22:37
Ares Galaxy 1.8.21 Total to Date and Time 392,436

April 18 2003 TIME: 06:39:39
BearShare 4.2.5 Total to Date and Time 18,217,873

April 23 2003 TIME: 13:44:59
BearShare Spanish total to Date and Time 25,667

May 2003

May 5 2003 TIME: 02:06:24
Xolox Ultra 1.56 Total to Date and Time 2,173,242

May 23 2003 TIME: 3:38:06
SoulSeek 148 Total to Date and Time 302,460
May 25 2003 Time: 16:45
NeoNapster 299,661
Kazaa Media Desktop 229,896,640
Shareaza 1.8 504,877
Blipster 1.8 504,877
Ares Galaxy 1.8.1 502,744
Audio MP3 Find 1.1 45,635
FileFreedom 4.01 309,279
MP3 Searchprofi Pro SE 10,985
MP3 Media Monster 38,144
MediaBuddy 1.0 38,295
MP3 Search Tool 1.1 22,322
WinMX 5,991,308
FreeWire International Version 33,900
AtomWire 17,820
Planet MP3 Find 237,116
NapMX 3.0 Beta 2 115,213
Morpheus and Kazaa Enhancers 1.2 192,511 289,890

May 25 2003 TIME: 16:10:31
Kazaa Download Accelerator 1.02.2 Total to Date and Time 317,730
May 25 2003 TIME: 15:58:51
NeoNapster 3,6 Total to Date and Time 744,482
May 25 2003 TIME: 16:00:11
FreeWire 2.9.6 Total to Date and Time 583,429
May 25 2003 TIME: 16:23:40
OneMX 1.06 Total to Date and Time 110,812
May 25 2003 TIME: 16:41:10
Twister 2.0.8 Total to Date and Time 346,416

June 2003
June 1 2003 TIME: 18:17:33
iMesh 4.0 build 131 Total to Date and Time 50,609,935

June 1 2003 TIME: 11:19:41
ICQ Lite beta Build 1150 Total to Date and Time 19,429,955

June 1 2003 TIME: 15:43:17
Grokster 1.6 8,108,534 Total to Date and Time

June 2 2003 TIME: 16:30:13
TOTALS For Week Ending May 25 2003
Kazaa Media Desktop 2,643,442 This Week, Total 230,309,616
ICQ Lite 611,899 This Week, Total 18,933,248
iMesh 512,972 This Week Total 50,175,597
AOL Instant Messanger( AIM) 407,634 This Week Total 12,159,485
ICQ Pro 2003a beta 336,656 This Week Total 229,499,804
Morpheus 236,592 This Week, Total 111,737,542
(Ad-Aware) 203,110 This Week, Total 16,675,713
Trillian 131,550 This Week, Total 10,568,299
Download Accelerator Plus 120,403 this Week, Total 35,128,299 Total
Grokster 80,687 This Week, Total 8,052,539
Diet Kazaa 55,530 This Week, Total 823,667


June 2 2003 TIME: 21:35:35
Kazaa 2.1.1 232,700,648
Morpheus 112,008,875
OneMX 117,911
SoulSeek 323,519
Twister 355,991
NeoNapster 751,958
Kazaa Download Accelerator 346,978
Xolox Ultra 2,248,157
Bearshare 18,313,438
iMesh 50,609,935
Kazaap 115,675
LimeWire 2.9.8 15,368,098
LimeWire International 58,498
Piolet 538,421
Beyond Search 11,177
Bearshare French 20,816
2 Find MP3 7.8.3 1,187,745
Freewire 2.9.6 588,909
QuickKaz The KaZaa Download Accelerator 7,266
MediaFinder 1.3 19 ( Nineteen) its Brand New
Wippit 1.o 260,546

June 2 2003 TIME: 20:19:24
Morpheus 3.1 Total to Date and Time 112,061,243

June 4 2003 TIME: 10:21:07
Top PC (Windows) Downloads


June 4 2003 TIME: 20:14:50
Morpheus 3.1 Total until Date and Time 112,189,277

June 4 2003 TIME:20:04:37
Xolox Ultra 1.56 Total to Date and Time 2,254,207

June 4 2003 TIME: 19:50:46
Blipster Total to Date and Time 40,630

June 4 2003 TIME: 12:00:42
Kazaa Media Desktop 2.1.1 Total to Date and Time 233,455,319

June 4 2003 TIME:20:04:37
Xolox Ultra 1.56 Total to Date and Time 2,254,207

June 7 2003 TIME: 23:14:08
LimeWire 2.9.8 for Linux Total to Date 426,597

June 13 2003 TIME: 13:51:32
BearShare Spanish Total to Date and Time 31,093

June 18 2003

Beyond Search 3.3 13,720
Bearshare French 22,588
Bearshare German 569,344
Bearshare Italian 96,055
BearShare Spanish 31,292
10 Strike MP3 Scanner 1.4 22,338
NeoNapster 309,398
Shareaza 1.8 568,551
Blipster 42,566
Ares Galaxy 1.8.1 596,747
Audio MP3 Find 1.1 47,116
FileFreedom 4.01 309,550
MP3 Searchprofi Pro SE 12,263
MediaBuddy 1.0 40,750
MP3 Search Tool 1.1 23,093
WinMX 6,158,591
FreeWire International 2.65 35,332
Planet MP3 Find 5.0 238,045

June 18, 2003 Time 04:44:24 Time
LimeWire 2.9.8 15,373,101 Total Downloads to Date and Time

June 18 2003 TIME: 04:51:36
SoulSeek 148 Total to Date and Time 349,913

June 18 2003 TIME: 04:26:37
FreeWire 2.9.6 Total to Date and Time, 601,974

June 18 2003 TIME: 01:55:59
Swapper.Net 4.1 Total to Date and Time 306,648

June 18 2003 TIME: 04:21:12
FileNavigator 3.6 Total to Date and Time 1,249,582

June 18 2003 TIME: 04:36:25
Twister 2.0.8 Total to Date and Time 370,709

June 19 2003 TIME: 16:09:17
FileFreedom 4.01 Total to Date and Time 309,551




June 21 2003 TIME: 09:17:29
Shareaza 1.8 Total to Date and Time 576,243

June 21 2003 TIME: 19:51:36
Piolet 1.05 626,382 Total to Date and Time

June 23, 2003 TIME: 14:43:19
iMesh 4.0 Build 131 Total to Date and Time 52,262,345
June 30 2003 TIME: 19:02:57
MP3 Search Tools by Downloads ALL TIME
Wippit 1.0 286,128
FileTopia 3.04d 0
2 Find MP3 7.8.4 1,229,839
Kazaa Media Desktop 2.5 244,960,487 Total to Date and Time
iMesh 4.1 build 133 52,702,591
Twister 2.0.9 384,872
Blubster 2.5 3,390,046
LimeWire 15,431,150
LimeWire International 3.0.2 64,432
NeoNapster 3.61 788,987
Xolox Ultra 1.57 2,300,989
EarthStation 5 1.08 13,836
MediaFinder 1.3 3,944 308,436
Morpheus 3.1 112,882,823
QuikKaz- The Kazaa Download Accelerator 2.0 87,129
OneMX 1.06 132,819
SoulSeek 148 367,880
FreeWire 2.9.6 607,903
BearShare 4.2.5 18,362,279
Kazaap 1.0 154,673
FileNavigator 3,6 1,250,984